Another excellent story from JCP. This world is similar to ours but the classes are segregated. This story focuses on the middle class and lower class. The middle class, or boomers, tend to be rude, arrogant and snobbish. The lower class, or tax rats, have less couth and have learned to get what they want primarily through bartering and scavenging. Of course, the stereotypes come through, but Roman and Lee (and Lee’s family) don’t quite fit the molds. Marriages are determined by an algorithm which matches couples – hetero couples – by DNA comparison. How cool is that? Well, not the hetero couple matching and I wouldn’t want to live there or anything, but the imagination to create such a place just boggles my mind. There is, of course, more to it. Lee and Roman make a pretty good couple. I think Lee bends a lot more than Roman does but in a good way. As you would expect from JCP, the writing and pacing are tight and the dialogue is interesting and fitting.

John Leslie does a stellar job with the narration. HIs accents and tone work great with the characters and story.