The Nearness of You is the first book in The Thorntons series. Sara hasn’t had the easiest of lives, but she’s a fighter. When she notices her son is having symptoms of his cancer possibly returning, she takes him to the doctor. Harrison is his doctor, from a wealthy family with everything he could have ever needed, yet still wanting more. Immediately, Sara and Harrison hit it off, but can they overcome their pasts and reputations to find lasting love?

This book is so sweet and really makes you think about the blessings you have in your own life. Sara and Harrison were amazing together, and I loved that their love rang so true. Sara was such a fighter for everyone else around her, had a caring and giving nature, but when it came to her own self, she was scared to reach for her own happiness. Harrison was wealthy, but cared more about the character of those he surrounded himself with, and I loved how willingly he was able to fall for Sara! Together, they had quite a few obstacles to overcome, but the ending of this book was absolutely perfect! There is quite a bit of small town drama that goes on in this book, but really, it just drew me in that much more! I loved having the duel narrators, as they really brought both characters to life that much more for me! They did an amazing job with their characters, the emotions felt, and I often felt like they were talking to me, not just to their selves. I loved this book! I love this series, too!