Sara and Harrison prove that love knows no bounds and will move mountains. Sara doesn’t want much out of life – mostly she wishes for her son’s James’ cancer to remain in remission, to continue to prove a happy home for him now that her cheating husband is gone, and to hopefully find some happiness herself. When circumstances bring her back to the her hometown, the very last place she ever thought she would ever be again, she is hoping against hope that it will not be a mistake. Then surprise – James’ new doctor is Harrison Thornton. While she was growing up on the wrong side of the tracks with a troubled mother and issues, he and his family lived a charmed lovely life. Now the town doctor he is as handsome and charming as ever and had his sights apparently set on its newest single mom. Harrison never really put much thought behind the fact that he was a Thornton and doesn’t make a habit of trading off the name. When his newest patient’s mother is Sara Flannigan, outside of the bounds of generally not dating within his practice boundaries, he sees no reason why he cannot ask out the beautiful caring woman. Apparently the people of Fair Haven are starved for entertainment and feel entitled to weigh in on matters in which they have no say and are wrong about in all accounts. Worst yet his mother is a chief offender in the citric brigade and Harrison will not stand for it. But will people’s opinions make harder than Harrison would like to get Sara to consider throwing caution into the wind and taking a chance on forever with him.

NARRATION- Jeffrey and Heather did a smashing job with this. I adored the book and the audio was fantastic.