After an EMP brings down an airliner in the middle of Times Square on New Years, our band of survivors manages to escape the chaos of the city. With nowhere else to go, our mixed bag of survivors decides to go with Elliot as he travels to his home in Lake Placid. Elliot has had his own problems dealing with PTSD after Afghanistan, not having been home in the past year. Arrival of the disaster confirmed his decision to go home. All is not well in Lake Placid. The local criminal elements, Magnus and Cole have plans to take advantage of the chaotic situation to solidify their hold on Lake Placid and the surrounding communities. Elliot teams up with long-time friend, Gary who is a Sargent in the local police force. The two friends, along with Damon, Jessie, and Maggie who came with Elliot from New York square-off against Cole and Magnus. This adds another layer of difficulty to an already complicated situation. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out in the next volume.