I loved this book because the scenario is possible. An EMP in this situation would indeed mean the end of life as we know it. How would our society act if we had to resort to life without electronics? I was able to connect with the characters and felt myself taking their actions personally (they either ticked me off or I was relieved when they did something I approved of). There are lots of surprises, both good and bad. The book is the perfect length to cover the plot, so I did not get bored at all.

My only issue is that I HATE cliffhangers, and it ended abruptly. About ten minutes before it ended I was thinking, “how is the author going to wrap this up?”. Which was funny, because I didn’t check to see how long I had left in the book. I wasn’t happy about how the end was done, but I still look forward to the next book in the series.

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.