The story had some potential but it’s just too dull – the characters are barely fleshed out, lots of unrealistic actions, reaction and improbable events taking place. I rolled my eyes so many times they just about got stuck that way. The steam was alright. The male narrator was great but the female one was all wrong and didn’t pronounce her “s”s and sounded muffled. Also, whoever did the audio editing here, should should have gotten fired – the difference in volume between one character and another was too great and the thoughts versus actually spoken phrases had the same issue- the inner monologues were clear and loud until that character spoke, then it was so low (and muffled, especially with the female narrator) that I had to turn up the volume all the way and backtrack in order to hear what was said. Suffice to say, I’m not reading the next book. There are lots of more realistic and better written mafia smut books out there.