I’m sorry, but the MC is literally unlikable. Maybe that’s the point, but unlike a story where the MC has bad traits but you still want the best for him (e.g. Breaking Bad), I’m over this one. Every bad thing that happens to Oren is entirely his fault, and his decisions are just ridiculously terrible.

First, he completely disregards warnings from his best friend with regards to the actual danger to his physical and mental wellbeing, kills a boss in the clan he swore fealty to, thus becoming forced to remain in the game against close to impossible odds of returning. Okay… I get that… sort of. But it was a dumb move. After that, he makes the idiotic choice to embark on a massive undertaking for a locked up God so he can exact revenge against former guild mates. Did he not consider he’s cannon fodder once this evil God is unleashed on the game? Nope. Every single interaction with this God brings another idiotic decision, against the wishes and advice of Vick, his A.I. who has existed since the beginning of the game.

So now he knows better than the actual game entities and dismisses his only true ally. Getting worse. Next, he embarks on a quest, running head first into literal danger…torturous danger, with zero plan, resulting in his CPP almost hitting 100% which would leave him in the exact same state as an autistic prisoner of the game, trapped forever, despite there being a way out by working the game to become a 4th tier boss. He is paranoid and his hate for being booted from his previous clan drives his decisions to make more stupid decisions, yet even after he is snapped back to reality regarding his previous clan’s state (from his best friend), he continues to be an idiot, giving over his entire being to the game.

He then swears his life away to the evil God, and every single time his A.I. tells him not to do something, he does it anyways, being a complete and total dick to his friend, and it results in him being even more screwed. You know…like drinking his own blood from a chalice to obtain demonic powers . Guts everywhere. Should we discuss his goblin banging and falling in love, basically sealing the deal on staying virtual forever? And there is still 12 more hours of content left for him to continue being a complete and total asshat.

I’m sorry to say, but it’s become apparent why his previous guild betrayed him. He is/was the typical OP player, who doesn’t listen to anybody, considers all his decisions to be the right decisions, and thinks that everyone else should bow to his amazing MMORPG skills. I know you know what I’m talking about, since you most likely have played MMORPG’s if you’re reading this book. I remember the first MMORPG I ever played, and was in total awe of a pro player who found me riding the struggle bus and took me under his wing temporarily to help me shake my N00B webs off. Is that this guy? Nope. His a dick, and I actually hate him and hope he becomes an evil boss that a war party of travelers defeats in the end, leaving him locked up and tortured forever in the game. But as previously stated…maybe that’s the point. I am certain by the end of this book, I’ll continue to feel the same.