In the ever expanding LitRPG genre you find many stories that come from gamers not writers. Life Reset is better than those and still lacks some fundamentals.


Great world building and truly has one of most enjoyable settlement developments in LitRPG. Main character isn’t an unstoppable, over-powered being. Great pacing of action and leveling.


Extremely unbelievable dialogue. Things just happen to work out for the main character but it’s believable because he has a luck skill- massive cop out. Unbelievable chain or events- I don’t mean to say that no of this would happen in our world (because of course it wouldn’t) but if these things happened to an actual person in any alternate reality a person would not make the choices the MC made to get into his situation that he has found himself in.

Overall, the character development and the dialogue are what are truly holding this book back in mediocrity. If you are looking for a well paced, settlement based, LitRPG where the main character levels up- this book will scratch that itch.