I want to preface this review by stating that I enjoyed it. It might not sound that way, but I did.

The narrator grew on me. He was a little dull at times and sounded a LOT like Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon. Many of the women sounded the same and it could be hard to keep track of whose voice was whose. The “Main” girls though were well done. The background characters, especially those with accents were very well done too. For them, even though they might not have come up as much, it was obvious who was who.

The story had so much potential that felt wasted by the end. The first 3 or 4 chapters set up a world that really has you enthralled. The MC’s power is interesting although there feels to be inconsistencies at times. He also doesn’t think of a lot of options that his power could do. By the middle of the book though, it digressed into a story of the corporate world. Like Hiccup narrating How to Build a Company. I think most listeners would lose interest in these areas although I personally still enjoyed it.

Some of the characters were better than others in my opinion. Some seem like they were given a lot of thought and development and others were left to be pawns in the story. I suppose not everyone can be featured and with more books in the series, those characters may be developed there but it was a bit disappointing to have liked a character that was shoved to the side.

Overall, the corporate feel was hard to shake. There was action at times, there was some development and I guess there was romance although it certainly wasn’t a focus. The powers were interesting, the characters were likable, I just wish the story matched up to the setting. Maybe in the next 2 books.