Joe and company have been successful in their recruitment drive for the Mountain Men. Whether Joe wanted it or not, he has become quite the well-respected leader not only among his people but the larger group of Mountain Men as well. The slave trade has been a booming business since the bombs fell, and the eradication of this threat has been the primary mission of the Mountain Men. There are other ills such as drug manufacturing, oppression, kidnapping, and thievery to deal with as well, but slavery gets people’s blood boiling. Not all of Joe’s original group survive the day-to-day fighting and mayhem, but each survivor must deal with the pain and loss in their own way and carry on. Grandma’s letters to Joe were a wonderful addition to the story. Chloe’s coming of age trials were also a passionate, yet frustrating at times, tale of maturity. Cobie’s inner strength, determination, and passion was heart-warming and brought a smile to my face many times. As I mentioned previously, Kevin Pierce and Sara Morsey did an outstanding job of bringing the characters to life. All-in-all a great series, and an enthusiastic recommendation.