‘An indoctrination wrapped in a thrill’, as Farbeaux might say.

As a thriller, this novel was fairly well-written but fell terribly short when it came to providing facts when discussing environment science.

David L. Golemon published this book in 2009 as has Alex, the acclaimed world’s smartest person, proclaiming, ‘The polar ice cap is melting above us. It is dying from a global phenomenon many politicians have said is only a cyclical happening. Global warming cannot be stopped, possibly not in our lifetime—that is not an opinion, but fact. The temperature in the past ten years has risen by six degrees.’ Furthermore, she prognosticates, ‘We are under the direct center of the North Pole. At the rate of the meltdown, in ten years there will be no ice at the top of the world’

It appears the author relied more on a demagogic politician’s environmentally-bogus book for his ‘facts’ rather than the actual data produced by NASA, NOAA and GISS. In fact, between 1999-2009, earth’s temperature had only risen 0.1deg.C or 0.18degF. Since the 10 years following the book, there are bunches of ice at the North Pole still; as far and further than the eye can see, in point of fact.