Purchased this collection fully expecting to avail myself of the audible return policy. Nope. 80+ hours later I purchased the next four black ocean books currently available. Fantastic writing, unpredictable stories and plots, and characters that actually change and grow over the course of the series. At the end I found myself in that melancholy state familiar to many binge readers; feeling as though I was saying goodbye to old friends and wondering how I could go on without them. I usually only listen during my workday to cut through the boredom of my mind-numbing job, but with this series I found myself listening to it at home, staying up late, and listening while eating my breakfast cereal; finished the entire series in just over a week. Come to think of it, I’m pretty sure I had a wife and kids before I started listening to this… I wonder if they’re still alive and ok… I should probably go check.