slash filler book, slash action/ with lots of banter and lots of forces orders made on the MC. it took a while for me to really get into it … i think that was mainly because there was lots of information missing for the mc, which was totally his fault lol and there were lots of little things that had me saying “but why didnt he just” or “whats her deal”… lol. but mid way through the book things got interesting enough that i didnt want to sleep lol… and i was really trying to see in the future lol. im not going to lie, this book really made me work for it. meaning, it really made me think, really had me trying to remember what was what, who was who and what would be the outcome if blah happened and where was this leading to and is there more at stake than being told. A book that can make me think, remember names, all while relaxing, is a great F”in book. And the way it ended… smh … I have lots of questions… Like 5…lol which means… there is another book somewhere… or someone better be making it because wow and wholey S**t!