The first real problem for me is that Cedric is hardly in any of these stories until the end. The other characters do need fleshing out more to bring them up to par with him but we never really got much from Cedric’s view in the other books and more of him would have been nice if not practical.
The worse problem is that he included that hypocritical, sanctimonious turd Esper at all. I almost didn’t finish the original stories because of her and I KNOW I’m not getting any of her stand alone stories. At least she only shows up in the bonus story.
Otherwise this was well paced and completely in line with other characters in the Black Ocean universe as a whole. It was great to actually see some of the other races involved.
p.s. I hate Esper the way HBO’s Game of Thrones fans hate Olly. Seriously, I’d rather read about Kubu eating than Esper….have her deop astral in a star or something.