For the most part I greatly enjoyed this book. I enjoyed how different it is from most litrpg books I’d read up to this point and the main character was capable and likeable.

The were three things about this book I really didn’t like, two of which are reoccurring.
1. The first is how often and how long you end up listening to a menu or data screen. I get that it’s important but maybe shorthand and or cut off some of the unnecessary information. I found myself often losing interest for a bit during these parts, near the end these parts could take almost two straight minutes.


2. This one is rather minor and probably won’t bother moody people as it did me but there is a long, hopless, cringe worthily detailed fight that leads directly into a long, hopless, cringe worthily detailed torture scene. Torture bothers me especially when it involves using one person to get to another. That being said it does advance the story, it just takes a while.

3. The “love story” aspect to this story is wierd and I definitely could have done without. I think the writer was trying to be surprising and forward thinking but the apprehensive love with a VI goblin girl was still wierd to me. These parts were not overly long, were not explicit in detail and were only at the end of the book. They were however very common at the end of this book and I just found myself rolling my eyes everytime it came up.

I really enjoyed this book otherwise and it was definitely worth going through with a little skipping and just bearing with a little. A great book and Jeff Hays is quickly becoming one of my favorite narrators for his talent and choice of stories.