Something is probably just wrong with me personally so don’t go solely off of what I write here to make your decision. The female protagonist is gratingly weak and stupid at this point. She has a good moral center and is artistic. But the thoughts in her head as she reasons things through whether under immediate threat or not is typically nonsense. Typically for most people living in the United States today. Probably in many first world counties.

She comes upon a dog stuck in a car and sees that it is very violent, even cracking glass to get at her. She decides to walk away which will mean that it will die but reasons that she has to put the life of her unborn child before taking a risk and trying to both survive it’s attack and let it out. But she also takes time to feel bad about this. #$^% dumbsh@#. As far as she has been able to tell so far human and ONLY human life has been eradicated from the planet that she can contact so far. She has already seen some strange things that could be an alien intelligence or an intelligent being wandering around with some sort of possible stealth technology. Despite this she has yet to ARM herself!!! She gives her status and location to a complete stranger over UNENCRYPTED radio and is STAYING PUT at that location to wait for him!!! Upon returning from an excursion a strange woman has been in her house and is very familiar with her and her home and knows about her unborn baby. They only just met!!! She won’t even confront this lady in any way, shape or form about this to “keep the peace” (as of yet, but I cannot bear to read ANY FURTHER)!

Listen, you know what I like about this book??? The premise. Oh how I would LOVE for 99.9999999999% of the population of human beings on earth to suddenly turn to dust!! Do you how much more INTELLIGENT the earth would have suddenly gotten? Do you know what that would mean for the rest of the planet! It might actually be able to recover.

%^&* human beings. Human beings sit around and argue over which potential known (I mean actually PROVEN) highly practiced moral sinkhole liars with more than normal selfishly evil intent sociopaths should be there overlords. $#%$ you you stupid $%^-sucking human beings. And then some of these same people actually EXPECT some sort of positive change. You %^&*^*& idiots!!! TURN TO WHITE POWDER!!!


Now, what would I do if I was left? Something like this…

I would arm myself, obfuscate my location/presence, head to military and police locations and collect their technology gathering up medical, food goods, communication, detection, portable solar and wind energy generation equipment and light and other tactical equipment. I would get to a light military water craft (obviously this is an issue since I’d be the only one to man it but I’d work this out), load it up and head it out of port to a small but industrialized island without nuclear power. I would attempt to find a network of satellites which I could use to keep an eye on my island and the rest of the world for security purposes. I would NOT accept contact from any other person or people, a.k.a. ^&**ing idiots! It is very unlikely that they would be able, with their small numbers, to bring the earth to the brink of disaster before I die. So hopefully I wouldn’t be forced to take action on whatever population might develop if any does. But so help me, if any such situation were to again rear it’s ugly head I’d do something about it. I wouldn’t like to hurt the other creatures of our environment but I certainly would attempt to bring another human white powdering situation again.

I would then EASILY live out the rest of my life without getting very sick (because I know the causes of sickness) and without becoming a net negative drain on my environment and live at relative peace with the rest of the beings of Earth. Oh, but wait, wouldn’t I be terribly lonely??? $%^& you, %^&^ head! I would rather be lonely than to be around a bunch of %$%$ing morons intent on lying and backstabbing themselves into each others graves as quickly as possible with their only concerns being stupid things – STUPID THINGS – like keeping their heads down, keeping the “status quo”, having a “voice” and “making a change” all while rubber stamping their own demise. And thinking that they care about and respect human life and other forms of life when in actuality, you aren’t sane at all. Not at all. Take for instance this silly protagonist lady. Caring about a violent dog while she walks around ALONE without so much as a knife, in a world in which seemingly humans have been specifically attacked!! Should she come upon them, being a woman, is some sort of societal pressure going to protect her again men or animals or even women who might be inclined to take something from her? This is NOT thinking the worse of people. This is preparing a defense against what might happen in a land where people have been struck and no one is left to hold them to peaceful behavior should they decide to act out. White powder to you, lady. Powder missed you. You need the powder. Can’t read this any more.