Holy crap! This is one of those books that slams into you blindside, grabs you by the ankle and drags you around the park until you pass out. This has all the wackiness and silliness of Big Trouble in Little China fused with John Dies at the End weirdness. Its light heart and goofiness will distract you from the real dangers to be found in this book, Stoney and Fergie.

The book is one laugh after another, with a touch of action, adventure, and attitude tossed in every couple of pages to keep things interesting. I don’t understand how Jack McGuigan came up with a fifth of the stuff he did, such as a Samurai Luchador. Oh, and the man can really paint a picture, some scenes in the hellscape are so vivid you might think that he had visited and taken pictures. While this isn’t a book that you would expect things like character growth in, somehow it is there. That is what I really loved about this book; the Unpredictability of it all. You never know what is coming next, and more often than not your suspicions are off as well. This is best enjoyed by just sitting back and letting Travis Baldree carry you into another world.

Speaking of our humble narrator I think this book would have suffered in somebody else’s hands. It is his comedic timing and impeccable flair for the absurd that makes this book go from ridiculous to plausible but funny. I really enjoyed listening to him work his magic. Plus, he does it almost straight faced. You can tell he’s got a wink going every time he hits a line, but it never comes across as if he is not honoring the material. Just the opposite, in fact. You can tell he respects every line he is reading.

This is a great stand-alone novel. It wraps up everything quite nicely, and when it is done you leave satisfied. Sure you’ll want more later, but you can always go back for another laugh later. Even though I did receive a promo code for this review it in no way influenced my considerations of the material, and in fact, inspired me to be more honest. In fact, getting a code generally makes me harsher as a reviewer as I am more often concerned what someone like Me will decide based on my review.

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