Well this was all sorts of awesome!! It isn’t just a werewolf book, it was so much more. So Jake Brennan is a werewolf on the run from hunters and his own demons. He is homeless in Detroit and shooting heroin 3 days a month during the waxing, full and waning moon, to stop his beast from emerging. During the rest of the month, Jake does his best to make amends for what he is. When he witnesses a doctor being dragged towards a van, Jake immediately goes to help. A passerby takes a video of him being a hero and posts it to youtube. The wrong people see the video and once again, Jake is being hunted. But Jake may have an unwitting ally in the doctor he saved. Can he control the beast and save her from the people and things that are hunting him?

I wasn’t too sure what to expect from this, but it did sound like something I’d love, so I gave it a go. And boy was I happy I did!! I adored Jake!!! His journey to where he is now was hard, and he feels the need to atone for the people he has killed while in wolf form. He is trying to keep the beast at bay with drugs, but sometimes he doesn’t have the money for them and his beast gets free. He is raked with guilt and doesn’t form relationships easily. But when he saves the doctors life, and then saves a little girls life, he realises that he may need some help from the doctor. She can prescribe him things to keep him safe!! Jake is a deeply flawed man, but he is always trying to do the right thing, and I loved that! I loved seeing him fight his beast and not give into the bad, which always seems easier to do. He held onto what his mother taught him and tried to live the right way as best he could.

I also loved Gwen. She is an ER doctor and unhappy with it. She swore an oath to do no harm but she feels that being an ER doctor isn’t for her. She doesn’t feel like she is making a difference. But it’s when she is nearly abducted that she knows for sure that this isn’t for her. Meeting Jake is also something that makes up her mind. She sees that he is homeless and that he is a junkie, and feels that maybe she can make a difference in his life. Maybe she can help him get clean, but she has no idea what she is letting herself in for. Her life is about to change forever!!

This is a fast paced, dark and amazing read. It’s bloody, it’s captivating and it’s brilliant!! Seriously, I loved this!! I loved the characters and I loved the story. I even loved the ending because it fitted who Jake was! Go give this a go, you won’t be sorry!!

Travis Baldree absolutely nailed the performance!! He gave me chills with the way he did the beast!!! His inflections were brilliant and it really brought the book alive. I was seriously impressed with everything!!

I was voluntarily provided this audiobook for free from the author, narrator, or publisher. This in no way affected nor influenced my thoughts.