The Flaw in All Magic
Magebreakers, Book 1
By: Ben S. Dobson
Narrated by: Travis Baldree
This is an audible book I requested and the review is voluntary.
I love streamline, fantasy, and books with orcs in a positive light, underdog heroes, characters you can really get to know, and a good plot. This book has all this and more. Our main guy doesn’t do magic but is working for a University for mages due to a murder of one of his friends. He ends up with a new friend, a female half-orc that helps him. The story is so good!!! Lots of twists and turns and I love their partnership! True friendship.
The narrator is so awesome! There are lots of creatures in here and he is super at doing all of the strange voices for them, lol! He also performers the voices of women so well I forget it is a male narrator. I forget it is even being narrated! I feel like I am watching a movie in my head. Great job!.