Zeus Is Dead

A Monstrously Inconvenient Adventure

By: Michael G. Munz

Narrated by: Travis Baldree

This is an Audible book I requested and the review is voluntary.

What a hoot! My cheeks are sore from smiling for hours! This was such a clever, snarky but not annoying, funny look at what life would be like if the Greek gods lived with us today. It is well thought out and so unique! It is so crazy, you don’t know what will happen next.

I am convinced that the author is the brain spawn of Mel Brooks and Monty Python! This book is creative chaos in a genius fashion…lol! It kept me interested from the very beginning to end! It was a wild and crazy ride but I loved every bit!

Travis Baldree performed all the fabulous voices and made the story even better! He kept all the strange characters and their bizarre ways straight, I don’t know how, there were a lot of characters. Comedy is not easy to do and make it come out funny but he was spot on! There were laugh out loud scenes and giggle scenes but most of the book I was truly smiling! Loved this book!