I am a Christian, and enjoyed knowing the author was one, but in a lot of places, the dialogue was just strange and didn’t fit well or smoothly. It got preachy and uncomfortable while I was listening, as the characters were uncomfortable and awkward. I just didn’t care for it at all. That said, I did work my way through the book series and complete it, but it wasn’t one of those books that I pick up and can’t put down. Im sorry to have to say that, because it was refreshing to finally be able to listen to one of my audible books without headphones due to so much unexpected cursing….there was no cursing in this book that I recall, and I was so thankful that someone could “use their words” and find alternative ways to express negative or frustration or whatever a person might use curse words to express sentiment.

So….mixed feelings on this one, but the preachy is not a good approach and/or the way it was presented in this book just “aint it.”