Heart Of Stone: The Stone Series Volume 1 is a erotica romance with a bdsm theme. Weathy real estate Tycoon Alexander Stone meets Krystina Cole a recent marketing grad with quick wit and a firecracker attitude that nothing will stop him from pursuing & claiming her as his. These two contrasting character’s will test unknown waters in accommodating their very disparate lifestyles. This is the introduction to their romance and ends with a cliffhanger. With loads of sexual exhibitions that fits a erotica romance. Secrets of their past that they aren’t ready to share is preventing them from becoming a fully committed relationship.

Told in dual pov which is my favourite and accentuates the narrative. Alexander Stone is a very domineering alfa male character & narrator Jeffrey Kafer did well portraying a clear cut, overpowering, & formidable dom. Lacy’s voice was sweet, and innocent which portrayed Krystina perfectly.

I would like to listen to the next novel in this series as it did end in a cliffhanger.