I have been through 8-10 litRPG series at this point and while this is not a traditional one where someone is playing a video game and more of a fantasy utilizing RPG mechanics within its world, I would say this is either my favorite or second favorite with Dakota Krout being the other author I would say might rival this work.

If I were to pick something that really makes this work stand out to me, it would probably be that everything that happens seems believable. Probably the most frustrating thing I have gotten with litRPG series is that too often you have this level based system where the protagonist encounters someone who seems 20-50% stronger than he is and somehow he is completely lucky and beats it without ever encountering something he can’t defeat that is hostile to him. This book is fantastic in that I felt like it was very believable what level of difficulty he encounters and how he manages to get out of the situation and sometimes he doesn’t.

The main character is very well done and the world is interesting and unique. It mixes a great mix of game mechanics and overall is something I would strongly support as a fantastic read.