First about Litrpg: If you love or loved rpg games, table top or video games, specially the character building and strengthening part, getting awesome new stuff to power up as I do. This is the genre for you!! Its a fantasy novel with a person from our time who is aware its a game but also their world. Very cool combination of listening to an Fantasy novel and watching a person level up and power up in a video game. I also super love the combo of a classic med-evil fantasy world and a smart ass modern slang talking gamer, it makes for so many hilarious moments when done right. Its just plain the awesomeness! I also believe this genre was almost made for audio, and works perfectly in the medium

About this series in particular: Its one of the better litrpg series I have found, and I listened to a lot of them!! Something very bad happens to a player of a huge immersive mmorpg game and her ends up in a very unique position of having to play a monster race in the game, which is supposed to be impossible. This makes this series come from the very unique perspective in Litrpg of the player being a raid boss and trying to build and level up not only himself but an entire empire of monsters from the ground up. Motivated by both revenge and survival he goes on the craziest and most awesome journey any player has ever had, while the world he plays in becomes more and more real, to the point that even he cannot tell the difference. There are two books in this series so far and I absolutely love them. If you love rpg gaming, or fantasy novels or both and you have a young heart you should give this a try and you’ll likely be very happy as I was.