I am not proud to admit I actually wasted my time to read not only this book and the previous one, but I read all the utter crap the author dumped after the book ended that added ten more percent to the written content. I am angry I wasted part of my life on this lazy writing. It is as if written by someone high or drunk and at first buzz it is way over explained! Everything with too many details and stupid quips he thinks are humorous, but just leave the reader confused, to after the buzz is gone, entire new species he does not bother to describe. What do they look like? Where do they come from? I did not know Miller, the MC’s BBF, was one of these other species till mid- book 2, I thought he was a regular human heavy-melee-fighter type player!

Here is an example of the writing to be found in these books, the author’s definition of an important title of the MC’s:

-Cheat Code Fighter: Forget long sequences of directional pad input. The only button-pressing you’ll be doing to get this title is using your creativity, wits and stunted sense of fair play to really drive your enemies up a wall.-

Is it funny? Does it better flesh out the title and enlarge our understanding of his character? No, and No. Yeah, I read two books of that!!!! Why? Well, I was doing busy work when the first audible book started… It was awful, lazy writing (have I mentioned that?) that made me angry to listen to. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to reach the controls to switch it off then …3 hours later…it got sorta interesting. … “Sorta Interesting” … This is the best it ever gets during both books. Yet still I read them, listened to the 1st book mostly and read the second book. You know how some books have cult references… But no, no clever wit here. A few times I got sorta interested however my interest only lead to confusion. Just when I think he is going to explain something as in the, Game Manual, I discover it is instead a “joke” list of characters. Describing the same character but with a different name (like he didn’t think we would notice. ) twice or listed characters that were not even in the book!


Towards the end after the author escapes the jail he writes a jumble of words and sentences, only they don’t tell us what the MC is doing, the plot doesn’t exist.

Example: “I am going to stop a messenger going to an army that is marching here next to another one ..one of those may be an ally from somewhere else that will stand by us as long as it is convenient, but the messenger will give a message from someplace for the general to attack. The general does not want to attack and wishes she didn’t command the fate of others, but she is a Firbolg (this species is never explained but they hate humans) so she will do her duty! The general and the messenger drink bad wine”

and the stage is set for: ACTION!

That is the plot after he gets out of jail. Hope I didn’t spoil it for anyone.

I would like to tell the author, “Dude, you are not funny. Stop trying.” Maybe: Don’t drink, Write, then hit Publish. I would like to warn everyone else to pass these books by, do not be enticed by sorta interesting like I was. You will regret it so much writing a vague, confused 1000 word review to explain your helpless, angry-confusion will seem like a GOOD IDEA!