This is an entertaining book. There weren’t any problems with the writing, grammar, or style. There were just a few things that subtracted from the experience and made me count back from a perfect 5 star rating.
They are:
– Trampling all over D&D intellectual property with evil, subterranean, dark skinned, white haired elves that ride lizards and are called Drow. This form of “Trow” is not from Nordic mythology, and the author needs to read the OGL for what they identify as their intellectual property.
– Casual misogyny from multiple characters, I got tired of hearing female characters addressed as “woman” and “Go make me a sandwich” jokes. It’s not cute.
– Female characters all portrayed as man haters, constantly complaining about the ways of men.
– The out of game story line was unbelievable. The book would have been better without it.
– Hated having to sit through a character sheet recaps every 20 minutes, especially when it’s never explained how most of the stats impact game play.
So far as the narration goes. It was decent. I would have given it 5 stars, but the MC’s dialogue voice was a bit annoying after a while. This voice would have been fine for a supporting character, but for the protagonist… It sounded like a 30 year old version of Bevis from Bevis and Butthead.