How Is it possible that I have been reading and listening to science fiction for all these years and never found this series! I thought that I had plumbed the depths of science fiction for the best it had to offer. Asimov-Foundation, check, Jordan-Wheel of time, check, Asprin-myth series, check, Tolkien-Lord of the Rings, check, and the list goes on. Then this popped up out of seemingly nowhere. Sixteen and half books and short stories! It’s a testament to the wonder that is Audible that I can continually find incredible books and stories like these whenever I take the time to look. Or even better when Audible recommends something I didn’t even know existed! Thank you J. S. Morrin. Thank you Mikael Naramore. Thank you Audible. That adventure was really really fun!

P.S. For those who are on the fence I suggest you take the leap! These characters will become a new, if somewhat dysfunctional, family 😉