I really enjoyed this story. The characters were believable and actually flawed – not just supermen and women. No one had a unlimited bag of prepper supplies nor did the ex-navy seal become a Super Hero. This was probably the most Normal PostApoc story I have ever read.

This is my second Jack Hunt read and while I did not like the first one, this one was Great!. Jack mixes humor throughout the story and his character development is very thorough. Before you know it you start relating to the characters and enjoying the tale.

Kevin Pierce did a fantastic job of narrating the story – he always adds value to the books he narrates!.

If you enjoy the Post Apocalyptic Genre, then this is a book to add to your collection!

This audio book was provided by the author, narrator, or publisher at no cost in exchange for an unbiased review.

While I was given this book in exchange for a review, I have reviewed the book honestly to the best of my ability. I would never recommend a book to someone else if I would not purchase it myself