What do you get when you mix a bad ass motherfucker who was in the military and is used to doing undercover work but is now forced to rely on others and a reformed pick pocket that is used to being dismissed but is determine to do his job? You get the amazing masterpiece that is this audio book.

Okay so I’ve never read anything by this author before and by the cover art and the summery I went into this thinking that it was going to be a heart wrenching drama filled with lots of hurt/comfort and undying confessions of love. I did get all that but unexpectedly I also got so much humor and amazing characters that I did not want to put this book down.

Felix is a young man trying to be someone and finding his purpose in life. He comes from a though childhood filled with pain and drugs where the only comfort he got was none existent but now he’s found someone he doesn’t want to abandon him. Lane has to deal with his entire world imploding and needing help with the most basic of things but refusing to ask for it. This story could have gone a lot of ways but I’m so freaking in love with the way the author decided to take it.

Felix is a little shit and used to seeing life in shades of gray, what’s a little lying and a little stealing here and there? He’s a horrible cook and mean as hell when he constantly makes a blind man have to work for the assistance but Lane probably wouldn’t have it any other way. 10/10 recommend. The steamy scenes are great, the dialogue is hilarious, and the dog kind of steals the show halfway into the book.

Lol please give this one a try as I know I’ll be adding it to my pile of favorites.