4.5 out of 5 stars

It’s really weird to read a post-apocalyptic story (especially one narrated by Kevin Pierce) that is just one story. This isn’t a series and there really isn’t much that Hunt could do that would match what happens in The Last Storm. Sure, he could continue their story – but it wouldn’t be the same and wouldn’t even match the pacing that he set up in this book.

What I found most interesting was that this wasn’t just your typical PA book. There was a whole other theme going on. Sure, most PA books have “bad guys” but this was a slight change from that. The storm and subsequent issues that it caused really played in the background to a “what would you do to protect your family” type of a story. Hunt was able to turn the PA tropes on their side a little and played with the apocalypse some too.

The world he created would be fun to read from other angles though. It was at its heart a Cli-Fi book. He doesn’t dive too far into what caused it (really he doesn’t dive into it at all) and we just find out that there is flooding and a massive storm hitting this tiny Alaska town. The town that Hunt describes reminded me of some of the smaller towns I visited on my recent Alaskan cruise. You could tell that if something major happened that they were going to be partially prepared – but also that they would be screwed pretty quickly.

Overall, The Last Storm was a really enjoyable PA and Cli-Fi book that had a heart of gold. I requested a free copy of this book – it has not affected my review in any way.