I love books that reveal us to ourselves. I imagine this book would be on the top shelf of the Buddha’s or Socrates Shelf.

In an age where folks seem drowning in informations tailored to their unique bullshit lives, this book cuts the shit and gets to the heart of the matter.

We are big fat liars. It is of the upmost importance we know this, so we can better navigate all the folks lying around us, pretending, living make believes lives.

If you are a fan of the truth and myth busting, this is the book for you. If you want to wake up to the reality around you, this book will help set you free.

It’s one of my favorite books of the year, along with, How Emotions Are Made and 21 Lessons for the 21 Century. It’s the Golden age of knowledge and also of ignorance. You can decide to live an inauthentic and robotic life, or you can get in the drivers seat and see through your own self serving deceptions and others.

Otherwise do whatever’s clever when one isn’t so clever. Live a fictional life, or write your own Destiny.