When spending a credit, I consider the length a primary factor in my decision. This has to be the longest playtime of any item on audible, so it’s pretty easy to justify the credit. Value wise it’s great… the story on the other hand is pretty meh. It’s not bad, but it’s forgettable, easy reading. It’s the kind of book where you can lose your place, miss an hour or two of content, and not even notice. In fact you can pretty much pick any place at random in this book, be able to follow the story and not feel like you missed anything. I suppose that’s the benefit of episodic writings like this, but at the same time you never really feel invested in the story or the characters. While there is some tie-in from episode to episode, they are all very self contained with simple plots that go from point A to B without a lot of twists off the main path and always end with a finality that leaves no room for sub-plots or arching story lines. The episodes are entertaining enough, but it’s all rehashed stereotypes. It’s full of humor, but it’s the type of humor that is normally followed by laugh-tracks in sitcoms. The characters are all one-dimensional and have about as much depth as a sheet of paper, and you will never grow attached to them…. and that’s probably a good thing as the cast changes more frequently than the main character’s underwear. Like I said before, it’s not a bad book, if you look at it as filler material. Something you can come back to if you are waiting for your next credit or something you can read in short intervals over long periods of time. Performance is pretty good, but I took a star off because the constant “whooshes” that are meant to indicate scene changes, but seem to be used inconsistently are annoying.