I love the premise, and the action in the story. The narrator did a really good job, and fit the story well. Love that Alexa is a wolf shifter, but I don’t like that her pack is pretty pitiful. Raoul is the alpha, and he’s just weak and horrible. He’s a suspect in the murder of an ex-girlfriend, and has an alibi, which is he was banging a married pack female, but she won’t tell the police because she doesn’t want her husband to find out. Why in the heck doesn’t Raoul just order her to come clean? He is the alpha! Alexa gets pulled into this mess, and tries to help find out who is really murdering Raoul’s exes. Alexa’s neck is also on the line because she happens to be one of Raoul’s exes (really I’d say she’s more his victim).

Alexa is also feeling a strange magical pull towards vampire, Arys. They feel a deep sexual need for each other, but little do they know, that there are some serious consequences if they get together. Alexa keeps saying there’s no feelings between them, but Alexa is horrible at reading people, so that causes issues for her. I actually wish there was some more realization of the emotional connection they do have.

There’s another love interest in the works, Shaz is her wolf shifter best friend, who happens to be in love with her, but for some reason he never said anything for all the years they’ve been close. He finally speaks up, and I do like him, but I felt Alexa gets with him because she doesn’t want to lose him. Not really because she is passionate about him, but she holds him on a pedestal. The author added something about him being with the pack slut, so that lowered him in my estimation. They do have some sweet moments though. I’m fine with multiple men, but they all need to be on the same page.

There are some interesting twists, and I like the world that this story takes place in, and Alexa kicks some butt. I was entertained the whole time. I have the next 2 books, so I’ll probably continue, but I read some reviews that say this starts getting like the Anita Blake series. I ended up disliking that series around the time the orgies started, and that series also goes on way too long. At the time of this review, there are 14 books in this series, so I’m a bit weary of getting into a series that is that long. I feel the story just gets torturous for the characters with that many books. So, I’ll probably check out some of the reviews for the future books and make my choice then.

Overall, entertaining and engaging story with some major steam!