Before reviewing this book I should first write a little about myself so you can understand my potential biases. I am a Christian that attends church and Bible study regularly. I am active in the church, send our kid to a Christian school, and seek out Christian entertainment. I also shoot guns, have made preparations for basic emergencies, though I am far from being a prepper. Where I differ from the author is that I am an independent voter. I lean towards capable leaders regardless of politics, all things being equal I then look at the character of the person, and last I consider their platform.

This book has been difficult to listen to, even as a Christian. The situations and dialog are simply not realistic. No way two recent converts would simply put away sinful ways and live as piously the the characters in this book. We are all sinful, even the most devout Christians. If anyone thinks otherwise they are deceiving themselves.

Next the author as injected some of his political bias and made several jabs at liberals and “anyone who votes for pro-life leaders”. Liberals are not the problem, it is the us vs. them mentality. I know many liberals who are not only better people, but better Christians than many conservatives. The us vs. them mentality is not only dividing the country, it is placing a wedge between believers and unbelievers. The first step to converting someone is to become their friend so that you can open a dialog. How can you hope to do that if you criticize them? The author appears to have forgotten this lesson.

Matthew 22:36-40:

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”