As with most, I too have heard about this tragedy since it happen these many years ago. Even after all the Dateline/48 Hours Mystery, news reports, and YouTube videos, I never truly understood the family dynamics until I listened to this book. The writing is superb and led me to many websites (via Wayback Machine since they are now defunct), YouTube vids of Susan, and news stories that I hadn’t seen before.

It’s a sad story that may never have a complete conclusion.

The ONLY issue I take with the audio version is that Laural Merlington’s voice was completely unnecessary and quite annoying throughout the book. At first I thought she was going to read all of Susan’s parts but then realized she was only reading Susan’s diary entries and emails. Then it really got confusing when she started reading emails/correspondence from others such as Josh, The Cox family, Steve, etc. There was absolutely NO reason for this as it only caused the book to sound disjointed and strange. Kevin Pierce who narrated 99% of the book would’ve done just find reading those himself as he does with other books I’ve listened to. That was a horrible decision on the part of whomever was tasked with deciding the narration flow of this book. That’s why I knocked a star off the narration even though Kevin’s part was simply amazing, as usual.