If it wasn’t for the political poison in the series I would give it 4.5 stars in story and 5 in overall.

on one hand these author created his own world and characters gave them distinct personalities and told a entertaining story with good character development for the main character, worth staying with for the 4 books.

however buyer beware this series contains:
regressive lefts forced diversity checklist of cast and crew.
constant reminders of characters lgbtq status has if to fill in a word count quota when more description of what was going on could of been better for the story.
unnecessary that’s racist commentary.
favorable writing for female characters to lower the main character.
fantasy about killing president trump.(eyerolling moment)
If you do not wish to support this do not buy.

final thoughts
I thought the series did a good job either being satire portraying the mindset of the authoritarian left has they do not care about anyone else but themselves.