This story had me hooked from the first chapter. Aria knew as she walked down the aisle, her fiance had cheated with her best friend. I thought, “NO Way.” Is she still going to marry him? But that scene, of what she did…(don’t want any spoilers here) was epic!! Not that I want to be cheated on, but I would sooo do that.

She takes off on the honeymoon…alone of course and meets sexy Roman. Ah… he’s HOT, Rich, and mysterious. Aria is only here to forget about what happened and what happens with Roman, stays here. But that is not what Roman wants. He’s fine with being the REBOUND MAN. She gives him one week, and then it’s back to New York. Except Roman has other plans when they board his private jet. The more she tries to leave him, the tighter Roman holds her close. She loves his bossy manner, especially in bed, yet feels a bit leery of how much he knows about her, her business, her favorite food and other personal things in Aria’s life.

I was curious about Roman’s ulterior motives and was begging for his intent to be true. I was pushing for them all the way and can’t wait for book 2.

Sarah Puckett narrated the characters flawlessly and gave Aria such personality, such as funny, condensing, and very skeptical. Great Job, Melody Eve!!! I will be diving into book 2 for more of Roman and Aria’s story.