So I read book 1 and that was ok and decided to try book 2 to see if there could be more development in the story. What I got was the opposite. After making it half way I had to stop. I just could not handle the oppression of human rights and the consist feeling of violation this story gave me. I like many romances with a strong dominate male character but this was not dominate this was just wrong feeling. The horror of every women that that can be so violated while forced in to unconsciousness. That took any and all joy out of the book. It is like reading about about women as property and I just had to cut it off. In this book the actions speak louder then words. The characters are conflicting trying to be both strong and independent while also be meek and pathetic. I usually love Sci-fi or fantasy romance and even some dark romances but this was not neither dark or enjoyable.

Also I happened across a very good review that really said a lot of what I was thinking but in a much better way… read a review by Cappa if you want the longer version.