David Brenin does an excellent job as usual!
Gracie was twelve when the aliens first came to earth to reap it of everything of value including using females as breeders and males for body parts. The Aluthians are described as being part organic material and part cybertronics, so when their organic part where’s out the need to replace it with some others beings’ parts. Five years later she is part of a rebel group and she knows how to hack anything and also s a whiz at learning languages.
She has a plan to implement a virus into the shields that protect the aliens and make killing them impossible. The only problem is that she has to be inside the mother ship in order to do it. She leaves behind the four other members of her group including the man who she loves. After the virus is working and a self destruct is se, she tries to escape and fly home. But she is caught in the last radius and it somehow propels her into the future over 800 years. She doesn’t know this, just that she has lived by herself on an unknown moon for three years.
An unknown alien has been slaughtering men and children in colonies and taking women if breeding age. Kordan is a Xion admiral in the military. They are searching for the culprits when the hear Gracie’s call on the radio. And he knows that he must find her just from her voice alone.
This is a nice story about how two different species learn each other’s languages in order to communicate. They also must figure out who the bad aliens are and how to kill them.
I enjoyed reading this story as Gracie gets a second chance at love